Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Back to school....

Like Meg Ryan says at the beginning of "You've Got Mail"....can't you just FEEL back to school in the air? It smells like a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils! Or words to that effect. :-)

Caroline, who still likes me to call her "my sweet baby", went back to school today, and for the first time in YEARS (years - like ever in her starting school!) went with nary a whimper, cry, cling, or backward glance. She gave me a kiss goodbye, the teacher came to get her out of the car, and she said "see you in a while, Mom!"

She later reported that she put away her extra clothes all by herself, they had circle time and talked about how this week is a little bit different (the returning students are only coming for an hour per day because the new students are coming first thing in the morning to get acclimated), read some books, and did a new work on "different planets and stuff" that she will finish tomorrow because they ran out of time.

Now I must go listen to tomorrow's weather on the news because Mademoiselle Fashionista will want to pick out the day's outfit as soon as she rolls out of bed!