Monday, October 23, 2006

Catoctin Zoo

Caroline and her friend Nicholas, ready to go feed some animals.

Baby Bengal tiger cubs - so cute and fuzzy you want to put them in your pocket!

Caroline and Nicholas intently watching....


"Mom, we HAVE to take a picture of the flamingoes for Gram!"

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Making Halloween Cookies

Care for a little cookie with your sprinkles?

Very intent with the cookie cutters

Ready for the oven!

Firefighters and EMS came to their class for a talk - Caroline's favorite part was getting to climb in the ambulance and check things out.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Caroline with her wooden doll from Grandma and Grandpa - she carried it around for DAYS, even took it in to school to show her friends. It was all we could do to convince her not to sleep with it! (I was afraid of her rolling over on it and puncturing herself in the face with the pointy wooden hands or something)

How big my baby is! Caroline was helping me gather up some clothes in the basement to take to Goodwill, and wanted to hold up one of her baby outfits to see how much she had grown. Pictures like this make me catch my breath....

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Netbusters 3, Silver Stars 1

Caroline played in her first soccer game on Sunday afternoon (the first official game was the previous week, and she positively refused to play; said she was "afraid" of the other team) Who knows what changed between last week and this one - maybe it was getting to hang around with her friends first to take team pictures.

A high-five from Mr. Gene for a well-kicked practice goal

Caroline and her team celebrating blocking a goal from the other team

2/3 of the "Three Musketeers" having fun while waiting their turn!

Caroline and Erin sharing post-game Halloween brownies and fruit punch.

Sarah and Caroline - in the larger version of this picture the soccer jersey makes her eyes look SCARILY blue!