Yes, the tongue hanging out helps in concentration. You don't wear a tiara for hanging out in the kitchen every day?
Testing out her new roller skates from Gram and Pop
The life and times of Caroline.
Her first sight of the loot on Christmas morning (note, it was still dark outside the door behind me! She was awake at 7am on the dot) - I think this picture is particularly funny because immediately after it she fell on the floor in shock to see so many things she had asked Santa for!
Puppy from Uncle Phil and Aunt Janice helping to open another present
The hit present of the year at the M household - the Black and Decker Junior Workbench. She built the birdhouse, randomly "drills" and "saws" the pieces of velcroed wood, built the birdhouse several times, etc. One of these days we'll have to put her to work with some real tools and see what she can do for us!
The whole gang - L to R is Nicolas, Johanna, Ellie, Lauren, Douglas, Caroline, Audrey, Jeremy, Madeline, Erin and Sarah.
The super-yummy birthday cake, half chocolate and half vanilla.
On the stage stretching with Ms. Leslie
The Three Musketeers of Bancroft Street - Sarah, Caroline and Erin
Caroline LOVES spinning the teacups!
Lunch at Cinderella's castle - Cindy was very impressed that Caroline found "her shirt".
A high-five from Mr. Gene for a well-kicked practice goal
Caroline and her team celebrating blocking a goal from the other team
2/3 of the "Three Musketeers" having fun while waiting their turn!
Caroline and Erin sharing post-game Halloween brownies and fruit punch.
Sarah and Caroline - in the larger version of this picture the soccer jersey makes her eyes look SCARILY blue!